Sunday, October 10, 2010

Currently In Training!

For: Half Marathon, Marathon, and a 12k!

Running on behalf of AIDS orphans and Peak 4 Poverty.
A donation from you would be a great motivation for me.
Thanks for the support!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I mustache you a question.

Why have we not had a Mustache Monday yet? SO many of my friends have promised me donations so they could see me run with a mustache. I know a lot of you would not be there to see me run with it, but I would take pictures and video for you all to see!! Please, please, make my dreams come true and donate to this cause that I love so much. I'm working my butt off to get these miles in, which is not easy when I have a clingy 2 year old to deal with 24/7, and I'm doing it to help these children. I can only do so much on my own. I need your help. I cannot do this alone. I wish I could donate my goal $$$ myself, I would in a heart beat if I had that kind of money to spare. This is why I need your help. I have over 100 supporters on my facebook page and if every single one of you would donate at least $5 we could significantly improve the quality of lives for these AIDS orphans. $5 from you would be the difference between going to bed hungry or going to bed with some food in an AIDS orphans tummy.

To further my efforts and hopefully inspire you to donate, I am running a few races in early 2011.

February 6: Davis, CA Stampede Half Marathon

March 6: Napa Valley Marathon

May 15: Bay to Breakers 12k

These are the races I will be registering for as soon as I can. I'm really excited about running and training for these races. I'll be the girl in red. I would really appreciate all this effort to have not been in vain. I'm trying really hard to help others in need, and I can't do it myself. It needs to be a team effort. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far. You mean the world to me, and these children truly appreciate the gift you've given them.

As you may have noticed all of the races I'm planning on doing are in California. Well, I'm moving back to my homestate! Jeremy got orders to do an advanced course for a year in Monterey, so we'll only be a few hours from my family. I'm really looking forward to the move and I'll be finishing my Run 4 Red Ribbon in the Golden State!

I know I sound like a broken record, but if you can help me raise $100 by Monday, October 11 I will do a 4 mile run with an awesome mustache on my face!! It will be slightly embarassing, but freaking amazing!

Thanks for the support,