miles. Collectively with all Peak 4 Poverty efforts we have been able to put 60+ children through school this year.
My personal fundraising goal was quite large, but I wanted to at least raise $1 for every mile. As you can see, I am far from that goal. Still, I put in my miles week in and week out. I’ve been behind schedule, as well
as ahead of schedule. It’s been a bumpy road, and I still have a few months and about 257 miles to go! It seems so far, but I’ve run close to 750 miles now!
I recently had an online chat wih Nabeel from Peak 4 Poverty. He’s been a big supporter and he reminded me of why I am doing this. It’s important to raise awareness right now. Me running and blogging about these orphans is reminding people that they are out there. Every day these children are out there working hard and fighting for an education so that they can one day provide for themselves and their future families. Nabeel reminded me that we need to raise awareness first and the funds will eventually come.

So far I have done a horrible job of getting awareness out. I haven’t blogged nearly as much as I should have, and I need to be more vocal on facebook and twitter. I need to get the word out. I can run as much as I can, but without the blogging how are people going to even know what I’m doing? I only have a few months left, and in that time I plan on being more active online. I want you to know what I’m doing, and why exactly I’m doing it.

I’m running for these children. I’m running for their education. I’m running for their quality of life.

They need your help.
*I'd like to thank the Peak 4 Poverty team, who traveled to Tanzania this winter to visit the children and climb Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise funds and awareness for these children for the pictures that I used for this post. I appreciate all of your hard work and support.